Monday, October 26, 2009

What others think about YOU is . . .

What other people think about you, is none of YOUR business. - Unknown

In the brilliant work of Byron Katie, she mentions that there are three businesses. YOUR business, OTHER people's business and [THE UNIVERSE'S] business. Can you guess which is the one business we have to be concerned with? Yup. OUR business. That's it. If you mind your own business, and only your own, can you imagine the amazing things that would be accomplished?

In doing some research for these series of entries, I came across this small article where a sweet lady that had just turned like 102 or something like that, was asked how she get to live so long. Her answer? "By minding my own business." Ha! You know what? I believed her. It makes total sense to me that this incredible woman is still living a wonderful life by minding her own business. Which to me translates into her paying attention to her own life and not what "so and so" are doing. This in turn gave most likely gave her the opportunity to be more in tuned to her needs and to really be aware of what it was that she really wanted to do with her life. Well, I'm just guessing since there wasn't much detailed information on her life but, doesn't it make sense?

When we spend precious energy in trying to find out what other people are doing with their lives or what they think about our lives, we are neglecting what really matters. We are neglecting taking care of our own business, our life. If you look at our time here on Earth as a job, then what we are meant to do is to create and experience life! Our life is our business. The more time we devote to ourselves the better the outcome. This is true whether we're speaking of our physical bodies or our spiritual selves. When the focus of our attention is in making ourselves happy and living a JOY filled life, then the rest just doesn't even come into our experience.

I'm not by any means saying that we need to be these selfish beings and that everybody else doesn't matter. I'm all for doing what we can for the greater good, always. I'm really talking about the times when we stop ourselves from truly living in authenticity. Either because we're too busy worrying about what others will think of us or way too busy caring about what others are doing with their own lives. This then grows into all these different directions. Not only do we suffer but we are then giving so much control to other people. Think about it. When your own well-being or sense of self is based on what others think of you, who has the power? When your feeling good depends on how another person is feeling or behaving, who has the power?

I'll continue this on Thursday but for now, let's take stock and become aware of who's business we're into. Is it our own or have we been a little neglectful due to overtime activity in someone else's?

Peace and Light to you and KEEP DREAMING!


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