Friday, October 23, 2009

Taking control of the dimmer switch . . .

"If you look deep within, you will find a brilliant light. Too many, far too many, squint and turn away from the shine. Let your eyes adjust and bathe in the radiance." ~ Source Unknown

Our inner light. . . Let me explain what I mean by inner light. I'm talking about that special something that we all have within us. I truly believe it's our own inimitable gift or gifts that we came here with. Every single person I know has something that makes them unique and beautiful and brilliant! Whether it's the ability to sing, or write, or paint or something less artistic but nonetheless unique and wonderful. We all have IT! That's our inner light! That gift is what we are meant to give to and share with the world.

That's why I love the quote above and know that it's so true. Far too many people are constantly dimming their inner light or squinting and looking away. They're afraid to acknowledge it and give it its proper attention. After some time of doing this, that light surely begins to fade. Although, I don't think it ever goes away completely. I don't even think it's possible to kill it or eradicate it. But, I do believe way too many of us have learned or been conditioned to keep our lights really turned down low, to the point where it's barely visible.

I know so many incredibly talented individuals who live in a constant struggle with their gifts. They fear showing the world what they've got to offer. And, I'm usually so amazed and bewildered whenever I hear one of them speak of their struggles. How they fear being ridiculed or criticized for their work or artistic offering. Sometimes the fear of judgment is so overwhelming that it paralyzes them from acting on and realizing their dreams!!!

How can we possibly live a happy and fulfilling life if what we came here to do isn't being done? That just seems impossible, doesn't it? Yet, so many live their lives doing just that. And what is stopping them usually boils down to fear. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of letting others down. Fear of making others feel "less than" if they succeed. Fear of being called selfish. Fear of not living up to expectations. The list of fears goes on and on. All of these fears are keeping amazingly brilliant beings from giving us amazingly brilliant ideas and gifts.

Slowly, we have to start turning this around in ourselves. There is nothing more liberating than facing our fears head on and seeing them tackled to the ground. We are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for, and conquering our fears is something we all can do. And do you want to know why I think that? Well, it's because whenever I've faced one of my fears, I've always found it to be this teeny tiny little thing that I had some how managed to make into a much larger T H I N G. Do you know what I mean? Our minds have this ability to make our fears seem like gigantic and insurmountable monsters, when in all reality, they're quite nothing.

As an example, let's take a look at the fear of not being good enough. Well, that fear simply vanishes into thin air when we start realizing how fucking brilliant and amazing we are. That's just a truth. We come from a brilliant and amazing Source, of which we are a part of, so therefore, guess what? We're brilliant and amazing. No more arguments. The fear of not being good enough is non existent because it's not true. Absolutely false.

If you take some time to go over all of the fears that stop you from living your life to the fullest, I'm pretty sure you'll see how much stronger you are than any of them. This includes the fear of letting your family or loved ones down or fear of criticism from others. The minute you allow what someone else thinks of you, to interfere with your life, that's the exact moment you're literally giving someone else power over you. In all areas, if you give others more control over your decisions or life choices, etc., you give them control of that dimmer switch and your inner light is now in someone else's hands. Now, does that seem right? Hmmmm. . . it doesn't seem at all right to me.

I took control of my dimmer a while back and I've never been happier! How incredible it is to be in full control of that switch and crank up my inner light to FULL THROTTLE!!! No matter what goes on around me I do my best to keep shining. When it comes to my art, I never create anything and allow thoughts of how others will react or judge me on what I've created or done, to interfere with my creative process. Their reaction to my work is not in my hands. All I can do is gauge how I feel and if what I've created makes me feel fantastic and I feel like I'm shining as bright as I possibly can, then I'm on the right track. Not everything I do will connect with everyone and that's just fine. The right people will naturally gravitate towards what I do in due time. If what I come up with is going to touch someone, the Universe will make sure to make it happen. That person will stumble upon what I've done and the connection will be made.

So, once again I urge you to take control of that dimmer switch and raise it up a little bit more. Get that inner light shining just a little bit brighter if you can. I have faith in you. You're perfection in physical form. I've still got a little more to say about SHINING our personal inner light, but for now, get those lights a little brighter and start to "bathe in the radiance."

Peace and Light to you and KEEP DREAMING!


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