Thursday, January 7, 2010

The power to rekindle someone else's light . . .

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." ~ Albert Schweitzer

I really love this quote from theologian and philosopher Albert Schweitzer because there is such truth in it. But, instead of focusing on those times when our inner light is somewhat dimmed or has completely gone out, I'd like to focus on the times when the light is rekindled by someone else. Although my inner light hasn't gone completely out in a very long time, there have been those instances where the light has dimmed somewhat. For whatever reason, usually I've started thinking too much and lost focus on the moment, a dimming has occurred and I've found myself temporarily in the dark. It has been at those times when I've found solace in others and it has been their light, their spark as Mr. Schweitzer says, that has rekindled my own.

It can be anything. A simple, quiet smile from a stranger on the street or a quick phone call or text from a loved one or dear friend. To relight a flame not much is needed. There have been times when a short voice mail from a friend telling me they're thinking of me and sending me some love has worked miracles on my state of mind. Most of the time they don't even know what they've done. But, if you are always open to those moments, then they will come to your rescue, for lack of a better word, just at the right time.

This is a good thing to keep in mind when we are out in the world and living our every day. Especially this coming Decade of Light! Right? As I mentioned in my last entry, waking up and lighting our own brilliant inner light each morning is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves at the start of our day. This goes far beyond just our own well-being and self-care though. As we go out and radiate our light, we actually have the ability to do just what the quote above states. Studies have been conducted that have been able to measure how someone feeling happy can actually affect their environment and the people around them. (Happiness spreads in waves)

Imagine that! We have the power at our disposal to create a happy, jovial, brilliant and even healthy environment. It's contagious! Now think about it. What are you emanating as you go about your life each day? And what are you picking up in return? The thoughts you're letting in and sending out into the Universe have the power to do a lot of good to not only you but those around you. Make them all count. What kind of energy do you bring to your work place or school or into your home? How is this energy affecting you and those you love?

Peace and light to you and KEEP DREAMING!


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