Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A fixed INTENTION to achieve a desired end . . . a dream!

How long should you try? Until."
- Jim Rohn

This week, it's all about determination: firm or fixed INTENTION to achieve a desired end. The word had a lot of other definitions, but this is the one I liked best. The INTENTION to achieve something, your dreams, goals, aspirations and see it through until the end. As many of you know, I have some big dreams that I'm going to make come true. And the only reason they seem big is because I've never tried anything of this magnitude before. In actuality, I really believe that realizing my dreams, all of them, is as easy as attaining anything else. It's just a matter of allowing the manifestation in without hesitation or resistance.

But, since so many of my dreams are things that I've never even gotten close to thinking about before, well, that's the part that can be a bit daunting. But, only when I sit and think about it and tell myself that it's daunting. Therefore, I barely ever do that. The majority of the time I'm concentrating on the actual actions that will manifest my dreams. When I'm concentrating on creating my beloved and sacred art, there is really no time for any other thoughts to come into my consciousness. The only ones that I let in are usually affirmations to help me with my goals and aspirations. One of my favorites is from Louise L. Hay of course, "I express myself creatively with my art and earn a great income doing it." I repeat this over and over and over and over again as I work. And, one thing to remember when doing affirmations is that the Universe isn't responding to words . . . the Universe responds to feelings. So, as I'm working (action) and saying my affirmations, my goal is to use those affirmations to get me to the feeling place of my dreams. This helps in my determination.

As I create both physically, by working on my art, and spiritually, by reciting the affirmations, I use both things to help me feel the end result of my work. Whenever the two are done together, there is very little room for anything else to happen. This is why I always say that it is so important to devote some time, preferably every single day, to act on your dreams. I make sure that I do some sort of creative, artistic act every day. No matter how late it gets, I make sure to pick up a marker and at the very least, put that marker to paper and create something. This practice also helps with my determination to see my dreams come to fruition. And let me tell you a little somethin' somethin' . . . it's working! More info next time . . .



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