Tuesday, December 22, 2009

'Tis the Season . . .

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. ~George MacDonald

I would like to first apologize for not writing an update sooner. I have been so busy that I honestly didn't have the chance to sit at my computer and write. No, I wasn't busy going nuts over Christmas shopping or pulling my hair out trying to figure out what to give "so and so" and "the other." I've actually been busy creating art and finishing the first of two commissioned pieces. I've been busy envisioning my life in the coming new year. I've been busy enjoying the company of friends and loved ones. I've been busy decorating our home and spending an entire Saturday night listening to new Christmas music from Tori Amos and Mary Chapin Carpenter with Jhon. I've been busy laughing, feeling joy, living the moment, loving, taking it easy, doing IntenSati, looking at our Christmas tree, watching the snow fall, looking forward to time at home . . . these are the things that have gotten my attention.

I haven't set foot in a shop or a mall. I haven't gone into debt trying to buy things I can't afford just out of obligation or to show off. There hasn't been one day so far where the thought of wanting Christmas to be over has entered my mind. Why? Because it has been my intention since the holiday season began, to feel only JOY. It has been my intention to give and receive only JOY. I've made it my intention to focus only on what makes me feel GOOD and in turn, when I'm feeling GOOD, I am able to make those around me feel GOOD as well.

I was struck by some Facebook updates today. So many people were complaining about leaving everything until the last minute. They hadn't bought gifts or had forgotten somebody and needed to run back to the mall. Others were dreading having to wrap 30 presents. Quite a few were wishing Christmas was over and others were asking themselves, "why do we do this to ourselves?" Hmmmm All these depressing updates made me ask the same question actually. Why do this to yourself? Why make the season so overwhelming and dreadful? Why make it so much about the gifts?

There are so many ways to spread holiday cheer that have nothing to do with a Target or a Macy's! There are so many beautiful things you can make yourself that will be treasured and remembered for years to come and not just for a couple of days. There are so many special memories that are waiting to be created and shared among friends and families that will put any store-bought gift to shame. All you have to do is start with the intention to have the best time ever without going crazy. Make it your intention to feel as much loving energy as you can and in return, give that loving energy out into the world. Give of yourself to others and let that be the best gift you give this year. Take a little time to investigate how you can redefine the season. You'll be surprised how all of a sudden, the holiday crunch will seem to have disappeared. In its place will be full-blown holiday cheer. Remember, what you focus on expands . . . what will you give your attention to this Christmas? What really matters?

Peace and Light to you and KEEP DREAMING!



  1. I thank Tiffany for sharing this link on facebook. Thanks for the reminder, Gene-Manuel. Our christmas stress has not been over presents or food, we've been able to manifest enough wealth this year to happily be able to afford the things we feel we want. But we've been without water for a week and with a toddler of 1,5 years, it has been a bit of a struggle. Still, our loved ones are on their way here and I am sure this will again be a celebration of love and happiness. Love and light to you and greetings from the freezing Finnish countryside!

  2. This is a great entry. Well said, and keep sending out your powerful energy into the world. Times are hard for so many, and depression abounds this time of year as well. The world needs your positive energy now more than ever!


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