Thursday, December 3, 2009

The return of an unwelcomed friend . . .

Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile... initially scared me to death. ~Betty Bender

I've recently experienced something quite interesting. I was faced with some opportunities that had in them the potential for great things. They had the potential for some dreams to come true and real results, real change in my life. You're probably thinking, "Great! That all sounds wonderful!" And, you're right. Everything does sound and is quite wonderful. Imagine my surprise when I found myself not really wanting to go through with the necessary steps needed to get these projects rolling!

I actually found myself coming up with excuses not to keep a meeting that had been scheduled for weeks. Then, I started to ask myself whether I really wanted this to happen or that to happen. Was I sure? Did it all make sense? Was it the right time? I had a couple of very important meetings with people that could very well help me on my way. And again, my mind wanted to come up with excuses why I didn't think I was ready for this next step or the other. It was all quite ridiculous. Especially because, thankfully, I knew what my ego was trying to do. I knew what was behind all of it. Our good friend FEAR.

That little bugger knows exactly when to strike. Right at the point of actual change, Fear likes to come in and start to mess with our heads. I couldn't believe it! I actually started to laugh out loud the second I realized Fear was trying to get in my way. And it's such a sneaky thing . . . really quite talented at what it does. If you're not careful, Fear will get you to believe anything. Most of the things Fear was coming up with made sense to me. You know why? Because Fear uses our past against us. It takes our bad experiences, childhood traumas, the unknown, past failures and a slew of other things from our lives and twists and turns them to fit the current situation. So, when Fear gets started playing the tapes in our heads, it all sounds quite true because, well, we've been listening to those tapes for quite a while. The words might be different but the sentiments expressed are the same.

Luckily, I refused to listen to any of it. I stopped Fear dead in its tracks and went ahead with all my meetings, plans and decisions. I kept repeating positive affirmations and focusing on the ultimate goals I was in the process of accomplishing. But, Fear wasn't about to give up so easily. Even with all my armor, Fear dragged me down to a dark place. I'll get into that on Thursday. Until then, think about the role, if any, that Fear likes to play in your own lives. Is it a constant visitor or have you shown it the door OUT of your life for good? Does it stop you from LIVING and REALIZING your dreams? If so, what are you willing to do to take back full control?

Peace and Light to you and KEEP DREAMING!


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