Saturday, November 7, 2009

The energy of women . . . divine power!

For the past week, I've been writing about the energy created by the gathering of two or more. I'd like to share with you something that happened to me quite recently at one of my last IntenSati classes. If you don't know what IntenSati is, please read my blog entries here: IntenSati or visit Erin's website directly: Erin Stutland.

Well, this happened at the end of October, which was also the last class of the 4-week workshop. We had just finished the physical part of the class, which really kicks up a storm of amazing energy. Erin then had us form a large circle and had us look around at the people in the room. Really taking the time to acknowledge each other. As I did this, I realized I was the only male in the room. No big deal really. Most of the time there are only a few guys in the Wednesday night class but this night, I was the only one. We then started the process of updating each other on our progress for the month. How did we do with our intentions and what actions did we take to manifest those intentions that we had set at the beginning of the month.

One by one, these amazing women started to share their incredible progress and accomplishments. I was close to the end of the circle so I had time, before I had to share, to really pay attention to what they were saying. All of a sudden I felt it. I was enveloped in a soothing, pure, loving, caring, kind, yet strong and powerful energy. Undoubtedly feminine. Undoubtedly divine. In what felt like flashes, I was given snippets of information about the Divine Feminine and the strength and intelligence in all women. I felt how this could have easily intimidated men and how important to their egos it must have been to weaken the female sex in order to protect said egos. As I looked around this room, the flashes kept coming. I felt how it's all starting to change. How the tide is shifting along with the changing times and how women are more important than ever in our world. I felt a sudden sadness in regards to the state of our planet. Our beautiful, ever expanding planet would be a much different place to live in if women had been given more control over it. There is a reason we call our planet Mother Earth. It is female. It's loving energy is that of a tender yet stern mother and its love for us, her children is unconditional and everlasting. Deep inside I gave a sincerely apology to all of the incredible women of the past whose energy and vision were stifled by the times they lived in. How proud would they be now of their current daughters and sisters.

My turn came to speak and I managed to get a few words out. It was actually about this blog and how I had managed to begin writing three postings per week. I wanted to share a little of what had just happened but we were pressed for time and I also didn't know how I would explain it in just a few minutes. I won't say that I came out of the class with a new respect for women because I have always had that. I've always thought that women were the strongest beings on Earth. I will say that I left the class excited about the future of our world. With women taking a stronger and more powerful leadership role on this planet, things will finally start moving in the right direction. My hope is that there will continue to be a new wave of The Divine Feminine and with a united force, women will lead us into a peaceful, spiritual and loving New Earth! Shine on ladies! Shine on!

I encourage you all, women and men, to do some research on The Divine Feminine and this article by Elizabeth Debold is a great start: The Divine Feminine, Unveiled

Peace and Light to you all and KEEP DREAMING!



  1. Gene- this posting was absolutely beautiful from start to finish. I can't tell you what it means to me as a woman, to hear a man share his observations on the female strength and beauty. Even though it's 2009, there still needs to be a LOT of change in this area and hearing men share their respectful observations like you have is a step in the direction we all want to have: MUTUAL RESPECT no matter the race, gender, creed, orientations, etc. Thank you for sharing your light xoxoxo Sue

  2. Gene, I have tears in my eyes reading this post. I echo everything Sue said. You have no idea what this means to me as a woman, especially since I have spent most of my career (and all of my family life) in an extremely patriarchal environment being told my gender devalues my worth. Thank you, thank you, thank you for having the courage to post this.


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