Monday, June 15, 2009

"Thank you Universe for . . . "

I've started to do what I call Thank You Universe rampages. It's my way of thanking the Universe for all the good in my life and showing appreciation for it all. I've taken the idea of the rampages from what Abraham-Hicks sometimes does where Abraham will go on what they call a rampage or a verbal rush of words on a specific topic. You can experience one of my favorite Abraham rampages here:

It's really quite simple to do and we all know that the simpler something is, the more likely it is for us to do it. A Thank You Universe rampage can be done at any time and since it doesn't necessarily have to be done out loud, you can do it anywhere. I usually like to do it out loud in the mornings but there are times when I do it in the crowded bus and turn my commute into a game.

The object of the rampage is to not only show gratitude and appreciation for all the things in your life, no matter how small, but it's also a way to recharge the energy around you. It's really an amazing tool to use when you're not particularly feeling very upbeat. I've done a rampage when I've been feeling just a bit low in energy and mood and the shift that occurs after I'm done, is absolutely amazing! The simple act of pointing out all of the things in your life, at the very moment you are doing the rampage, that you are grateful for, opens up an entire realm of positive energy you might not have been tapped into before doing the rampage.

I start by saying "Thank you Universe for. . . " and I mention the first thing that pops into my head. It can be as simple as the coffee pot that's brewing in front of me. Then I go from there. Feel free to start with "Thank you Universe for. . . " and then list the things you're appreciating one after the other. That is just fine. Personally, I like thank the Universe for each individual thing in a separate sentence. For me it gives each thing its proper acknowledgement. It's fascinating where the rampage can take you. Since I try to say one thing right after the other, I'm never really sure where the rampage will take me.

For example, if I start with the coffee pot, I might then be thankful for the coffee, then that takes me to the coffee bean, and the place where the coffee bean was ground, then the water, the heat in the pad to keep the coffee hot, etc., etc., etc. Sometimes, in the midst of a rampage, I'm made aware of how many steps there are and how many people are involved in doing something so that I can benefit from it. These are things and people I never would've even dreamed of thanking and being appreciative of if it wasn't for a rampage of appreciation! I mean really, how many times do we thank the person that delivered the eggs to the store so that I could go buy them and enjoy my Denver omelet?

While doing them on the bus, I turn the rampage into a game. As I pass by different parts of the city, I search for things to be grateful for. The sun, the rain, the pavement, the trees in the park, the fountain, the streetlights that do their best to keep us safe in traffic. The opportunities to be thankful are endless and my sometimes long and traffic-filled commutes become more of an opportunity to be grateful than a time being stuck in traffic.

The rampages don't have to last very long. There's no specific time limit for them. The goal is to feel good and get into that state of appreciation where then all things are possible. If you're being grateful and are fully appreciating everything that is happening in your life, then you have entered a state of allowing. There can be no resistance coming from you when you are so open to the Universe's abundance and wisdom.

I can't recommend these rampages enough. If you're alone in the house and can really let go, do it. Do as the definition for rampage states: rush wildly about. Let loose and really get that energy flowing. Radiate appreciation for the more you appreciate and are thankful for in this world, the more things you'll be given to be grateful for.

Peace and Light and Keep Dreaming!


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